Large trees with trunks measuring three (3) feet or more in diameter should have two (2) ground cables extending beyond spread of branches and connecting to proper ground system.

Ground cable should be buried to a sufficient depth to avoid displacement or damage.
FACT: Tall trees DO NOT PROTECT. As a matter of fact, they could actually make things worse. Lightning usually jumps from the tree to the house because of all the grounded metal items inside and outside the house. Metal is a MUCH better conductor of electricity than a tree.
Below is a list of all the parts you will need for Lightning Protection in Trees
Tree protection material is not conspicuous when installed and renders the tree safe from damage by lightning. The special designed conductors, attachments and methods of grounding do not interfere with tree growth. Copper alloy materials are not injurious to trees. Different ground systems are illustrated to meet local conditions.

#TS Tree Spike Cable Holders
#TAT Tree Bullet Air Terminals
#32 Copper Conductor Cable
#98 Ground Rod Clamps
#F1 Crimp Parallel Cable Splicer
#137 Ground Rods