Why You Should Protect Your Home (or Building) Against Lightning

This year 250 people in the United States will be killed by direct strikes of lightning. Another 500 will die in lightning caused fires. And at least 1500 persons will be injured by lightning which causes more damage, injuries and deaths each year than tornadoes, hurricanes or floods. The Lightning Protection Institute notes that 95% of today’s homes are not protected against lightning surges. Most of the deaths and injuries would not have occurred if proper lightning protection equipment was installed.

Lightning protection is designed for two objectives: it must provide a direct path for the lightning bolt to follow to ground, and it must prevent destruction or damage, injury or death, as it travels that path.

home install of lightning protection

How to Select the Right Approved Lightning Components for YOUR Home

Study the accompanying drawings and determine your roof type or combinations of types. Measure and make a diagram of your home. Indicate path of Cable and grounding points where the Ground Rods should be installed.

Show position of Ridge Saddles and Points. These should be located within 18″ of the corners or roof edges and be spaced at intervals not to exceed 20 feet on centers.

Show the position of your TV antenna and indicate where the mast will be bonded to the main cable run. Show the position of your chimney and where it will be tied in.

From your drawing you can now determine the length of cable needed, and the necessary fittings needed to support the cable and to tie in branches to the main cable run. Crimp Straight Splicers are used to connect the ends of cables to each other. Crimp Tee Splicers connect branches to main cable. These are crimped over the cable with pliers.

Cable must be supported every three feet by Cable Holders, both on the roof and on its downward course.

Using your drawing, you can now determine the type and amount of material needed.

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